Patterns and predictors of changes in adherence to highly active antiretroviral therapy: longitudinal study of men and women
Very high adherence to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) is central to successful treatment of HIV infection. Prior studies have primarily examined determinants of adherence at a single point in time and few studies have evaluated factors associated with changes in adherence, especially in both men and women. We studied factors associated with changes (increasing or decreasing) in adherence to HAART among men and women. We found that antiretroviral adherence is a dynamic process, and identified risk factors associated with increasing and decreasing adherence potentially suggesting specific interventions.
Lazo-Elizondo M, Gange S, Wilson T, Anastos K, Ostrow D, Witt J and Jacobson L. Patterns and predictors of changes in adherence to highly active antiretroviral therapy: longitudinal study of men and women. CID 2007;45:1377–85.